About the only ACM i do is rope a dope.. I rope chogs, 51's, 109's, spits, N1K's u name it. I'd say roughly 9 of 10 attempts I am successful in stalling out my opponent while managing to live to be able to drop on him (my aim sux so unfortunately only about 1 in 5 ropes actually gets the kill)
I heard on my FE 4-5 pings tonight from a chog (i was in dhog) from about 800 yrds (on my FE) all he did was takeoff 1 elevator. LoL Booky (the chog pilot) and i had a great fight IMO (he likely donesn't agree) it lasted 5 mins plus with myself maintaining the advantage and eventually winning. The best part was it was a solid 1 v 1 with no raiders. Anyways back to my point... In all my ropin attempts I see ALOT of tracers coming at me, which 95% of the time miss. If the range on my FE drops below 800 on my FE when i am still pointy side up I worry. Otherwise I know i am relatively safe. I just don't die from 1 ping kills.
And just to dispell any hog whining, I Roped roper in his chog, in a 47d30 at medium alt coupla days ago as well. Chog, Dhog = FM fine, guns = fine IMO
I think the chog issue is possibly this... with 900 rounds a chog can spray at ya, and a 20 mm spray is gonna be more effective at 800 yrds than a .50. Hell i spray with 50's all the time, get hits too, If i had 3400 rounds of 20mm I'd get a helluva lot more kills due to my spray and pray tactics