Author Topic: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy  (Read 1356 times)

Offline Sandman

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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #30 on: August 29, 2008, 01:47:47 PM »
Navy is a relatively good choise, (not like Army infantry or Marines), if you don't want to him to come home in small pieces in case of an "Incident", like Iran or Afghanistan.

You must realize that more and more Navy personnel are being sent to Iraq to work on "security" details.

Offline Hangtime

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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #31 on: August 29, 2008, 02:11:57 PM »
This is the moment... when he signs those papers, he's signing a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.'

In this detail, matters not a bit where he serves, what color his uniform is... he's on the team.

<S!> for your boy, Toad. I honor his decision. I hope we make it worth while for him. I remain resolved to do all I can to make his choice the right one.
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Offline Toad

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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #32 on: August 29, 2008, 02:17:30 PM »
Hang loose, Hang.

He's still deliberating. He hasn't made the decision. With the advice here, he may decide to go back and finish his batchelor's.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline kamilyun

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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #33 on: August 29, 2008, 02:22:42 PM »
He's thinking of enlisting mainly for the college loan repayment program money.

Air Force (my old service) is out because they are only covering $10K while Army and Navy will pay up to $65k. Of the two, he thinks the Navy would probably be more his type.

He could probably finish the two courses. He needs Probability and a Senior Project. But he seems like he's sick of school for right now. I pointed out the difference between E and O but he's still not that eager to go back to school.

Tell him to finish those two courses.  Going back to school later is going to be even harder.  I didn't want to go back to school after 2 terms off, but did and got it over with.  Happy I did.

Radiology is a great career choice, if he gets training in the services he's set.  I have a friend who has been on the waiting list for 3 years trying to get into a Radiology program.  I just read in the news, it's one of the top 10 paying jobs for people with a Bachelor's and, of course, demand will only increase.

But finish those 2 courses!

Offline eagl

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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #34 on: August 29, 2008, 04:07:47 PM »
I'd have him watch out for enlisting.  The Navy too, watch out for that.

Seriously, finish the 4-yr degree, or go ROTC and go in as an officer.

Better yet, go coast guard.  More action and less BS from everything I've heard about the CG.  I grew up in San Diego, my Grandfather retired as a commander in the Navy, and my brother in law is in the Navy, but if I was making decisions today about what service to join, I'd still pick USAF as an officer or Coast Guard if I was going to enlist.
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Offline eagl

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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #35 on: August 29, 2008, 05:29:14 PM »
You know that and I know that but he, being 23, knows everything, trumping our accumulated knowledge.  :lol

I still don't want to sound flippant, but what the heck does he think he'll end up doing if he enlists?  He'll go through boot camp and then he'll go straight to school!  If he gets an interesting/fun career field, he'll spend a LOT of time in school.  Not only that, he'll be going to school and treated like a child.  Tell him to imagine the worst hazing or dumb freshman tricks he saw, and then imagine people being REQUIRED by law to treat him that way.  That's boot camp and tech school for an enlisted man.

If he's sick of school, he needs to finish his degree and go to OTS.  At least he'll be treated like an adult (mostly) during his training.
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Offline eagl

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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #36 on: August 29, 2008, 05:42:39 PM »
Regarding payback on student loans...

1.  Many (most?) student loans are interest free during military service.
2.  An Officer's pay is so far above enlisted pay especially after the fourth year (near-automatic promotion to O-3) that the student loan payback won't be much of a crimp in his lifestyle.

As an officer, he'll be treated as an adult and leader from day one and his peers will be people with reasonably similar attitudes.  It's a sad fact that there is a high enough percentage of enlisted troops who behave selfishly and/or criminally that almost all enlisted troops are treated like children for the first several years of their military careers.  In actual practice, an enlisted member has to prove that he/she is trustworthy while an officer is expected to be responsible the day he/she is comissioned.  This is terribly unfair to the majority of enlisted members and gives some young officers too much credit, but that's the way it is and that's the way it will remain until the on-base enlisted dorm rapes, gang activities, and drug busts stop (ie. not in my lifetime).

Anyone who doesn't think this reflects reality ought to ask the local JAG and OSI officers what they spend most of their time doing...  It's not a pretty picture and statistics like the survey that showed some 30% or more of all women in the military have been raped or sexually assaulted by other military members makes the situation look even worse.
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Offline SPKmes

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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #37 on: August 29, 2008, 06:01:44 PM »
I know I'm from a different land and our naval fleet is fishery patrol, but if he is already at uni, his grades would be sufficient to allow him to join in officer training, he would then be paid to finish his degree/s and get the best of both. As for what eagle was saying yes this will happen however I'm pretty sure that because of all the PC bollocks these days it's  not like it used to be....really have to feel sorry for guys who hit ships co nowdays. And the bad stuff that happens...well if you are the sort of person that attracts those problems the real world is no better. Obviously check with the recruiter and be aware that yes the initial training side will be at most an eye opener.  Friendships for life.

Offline Maverick

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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #38 on: August 30, 2008, 01:31:59 PM »
You must realize that more and more Navy personnel are being sent to Iraq to work on "security" details.


I don't think he realizes much of anything. He'd have to buy a game to get a clue and even then it's not a sure thing.
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Offline killnu

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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #39 on: August 30, 2008, 01:55:42 PM »
Has he looked at the Nuclear program at all?  I have been in 11 years now and made Chief (E7) at my 7 year point.  Enlistment and re-enlistment bonuses are plentiful in the Nuclear field.  With just my re-enlistment bonuses (3 of them now), the Navy has given me $194,000 (and some change) to serve the time I have.  The Nuclear field will also be good for going officer if he decides to do that later, or when he gets out of the Navy and gets a civilian job. The nuclear field will open up all kinds of doors.  My 2 cents.
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Offline Sandman

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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #40 on: August 30, 2008, 05:45:20 PM »

I don't think he realizes much of anything. He'd have to buy a game to get a clue and even then it's not a sure thing.

IMHO, well-informed recruits are few and far between. ;)

Offline Swager

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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #41 on: August 30, 2008, 10:22:09 PM »
Go Air Force, much better than Navy.  Did 6 years of the sea going stuff and really did me no good.

I wish him luck in his decision.

Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.


  • Nickel Member
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Re: Son Thinking of Enlisting in the Navy
« Reply #42 on: August 31, 2008, 04:14:53 AM »
I'd try to get him enrolled into a ROTC  program if he wants to do 2 more years of college. Would make life a heck of a lot easier on him.

 :aok :aok

I'm in NJROTC right now, Naval Junior Reserved Officer Training Corps....