Author Topic: 9/11 BAH! $700B+ REALLY changes everything  (Read 182 times)

Offline Samiam

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9/11 BAH! $700B+ REALLY changes everything
« on: September 23, 2008, 12:33:25 PM »
(If it happens)

Forget everything either candidate or party has said to date. This boat anchor determines our fate.

For McCain:
 - There will be no further tax cuts
 - There will be no further deregulation
 - There will be no new defense initiatives, and defense spending will have to be contained (read, scale back Iraq and Afghanistan)
 - Terrorist fear mongering is pointless if the economy is by far our greatest threat.

For Obama:
 - There will be no costly health care initiative
 - There will be no "middle class" tax cuts
 - There will be no increased spending on Education or anything else
 - A message of change is pointless if we've already cast the die

Most are too blinded by their ideologies to think critically, but everybody should be rethinking who they plan to vote for if the fundamentals of their platform are simply unattainable. I think this hurts Obama more than McCain because he was more reliant on increased spending - but probably not since his support is more emotionally based.

Offline Hawker25

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Re: 9/11 BAH! $700B+ REALLY changes everything
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2008, 03:03:10 PM »
I just heard an interview with Obama talking about this very thing.  He basically said all his increase in spending plans would have to be put on hold for probably at least 2 years.  I think people who were going to vote for him just because they thought they were going to get something for nothing need to realize the money just isn't going to be there to hand out.  On the issue of no more deregulation, I see this as a positive.  I believe it has been massive deregulation that has hurt many industries and consumers in the US.  One example of this is the Texas power market.  All Texans were told that if the power industry was deregulated then power would cost next to nothing, mind you it was already one of the cheapest states to buy power in the US.  Instead it went from being one of the cheapest to being one of the most expensive while i was living there.