Author Topic: Fun, but ridiculous fight.  (Read 455 times)

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Fun, but ridiculous fight.
« on: October 17, 2008, 01:34:07 PM »
First off, <S> POW was a fun set of fights.  Well POW kept coming in and attempting a BnZ tactic on my B25-H, that didn't seem to be working well.  First time he caught my right side on fire, but i got his left wing when he passed in front of me :D.  By the third fight i had an altitude advantage and was recording.  Yes, B25s at 8K for a dogfight is quite a sight when the enemy is in a C205.  Managed to pull off a trick gunner shot on his V-stab as per pictures show: (sorry about poor quality, hard to upload big fileds on this internet)

I was in a roll when i switched to my tail gunner (that promptly got shot out), and luckily my plane leveled out as i switched to the top gunner.  Never been so lucky with my aim.

ID: Xcelsior
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