Author Topic: Evolution of the Jug  (Read 511 times)

Offline Lephturn

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Evolution of the Jug
« on: October 19, 2000, 08:27:00 PM »
I found this fantastic article on the web called P47 Thunderbolt: Aviation Darwinism

It's a fantastic read.  I learned a whole bunch about my beloved Jug.  I'm printing this sucker out and making up a binder for it.  It's beautiful... and long too!

Ooooh baby, give me that M or N model.  The N is likely the more polished and better overall of the two I suppose.  I'd also like to fly a Pac scenario in the Jug.  Mmmmmm... 8 fifties vs. Zeke's.... droooooool.

Lephturn - Chief Trainer
A member of The Flying Pigs

"My P-47 is a pretty good ship, she took a round coming 'cross the Channel last trip.
Just thinking 'bout my baby and lettin' her rip, always got me through so far."
 - Steve Earl

Offline Westy

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Evolution of the Jug
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2000, 09:32:00 PM »
  I've been quoting and posting the links to the P-47 article on that web page for abotu a year. There must be a ubb Username filter at work here  

 Yup...  The Crade of Aviation.  The P-47-M article... Heck, all of it. Great reading material!  Now that I have a color printer I'll be printing it all out too.


Offline Sundog

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Evolution of the Jug
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2000, 10:39:00 PM »
Since we already have a P-47 in the game, you think maybe they will add P-72 as a perked plane?   (Just through that on the list of planes I would like to fly, at least offline or H2H in AH, because I know they would do such an outstanding job of modeling it! Add the XP-67 Moonbat to that list as well, but with the merlins they were going to re-engine it with before she burned up.)

BTW, if you enjoy that URL on the P-47, I HIGHLY recommend Warren M. Bodies book, Republic's P-47 Thunderbolt, From Seversky to Victory' ISBN 0-9629359-1-3

[This message has been edited by Sundog (edited 10-19-2000).]