I guess grizzly bears just don't cut it anymore. Well, if that won'y do it, how about some Cracken in the sea! You know, that giant octopus that devours both man and beast, well, let's render it and have it pound the heck out of the CV's!
Imagine trying to defend against something like that, it could just lift up a ship and throw it around like a rubber ball. Not only that, but it would have to have some sort of hilarious death sequence to warrant the effort of bringing it down.
Here's the idea:
1. You see the eyes at about 15k away
2. You realize that you're screwed, and run for the hills
And along that "messin' with sasquatch" idea, how about "calling in cracken", in which you drop pieces of fish into the water, and cracken comes racing to the ship. And maybe, just maybe, it will join your fleet as the most powerful ship ever made, and make those stupid PT noobs wish that they were never rendered.
hehehe. I say we get both. Of course I'd be a gambler and doom or task forces by calling the cracken every time I get ahold of a tg.
I like the 15k viz range. You should be able to kill it, but with 400,000lbs of ord, so that way we can have a squid killing arena. Each side gets one fleet, and no other bases, you get to steer where you go, fight cracken, laugh as the idiots on the knits get mauled, and maby help old cracken out.
Hey you need to make a "holy necro punt batman" for everytime someone punts a thread.