Went to the TA to learn some tactics (many times in fact). Fortunately Morpfend was there and just gave me some great tips and advice. Suggested some Basic Maneuvers, helped, Reset my axis, dampening, had me watch some films by murdr, etc. Tested the settings. Discovered in the MA I needed to stiffen them up just a tad more. I was reminded of things that I use to do so naturally when I had a twisty stick. Got some solid advice on defensive tactics and even learned what high-vector was. Seemed I had some of these skills in AW but threw them away when I went to AH. They just didn't seem to fit. What nonsense. They are more important than ever.
Today, I had the most kills for a day I ever had, although some where in GVs most in the air or from dive bombing. Had always been a pretty good dive bomber. One particularly memorable run, I had 3 gv kills and then 5 kills in the air. Don't misunderstand me I had some help to. My shooting eye was on though without the bouncing nose. Much was to a better understanding of flight, tactics, and a better feel of the stick. Morpfend just got me to thinking again. Was able to dodge a few hi cons (but thank goodness I had some friendlies around). Nothing super major or noteworthy was accomplished except to me. Although a wingie said he believed that I had the enemy scared. Blush, that is not true at all. Now where's my size 75 hat. However, I should have been owned by a p38 who instead was more focused on dive bombing. He hit his dive brakes and I go blowing by. Yikes! I still need to work on so much. I find the latter refreshing. I don't ever want to say, is that all there is.