Author Topic: 2 film viewer bugs with older films  (Read 273 times)

Offline Krusty

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2 film viewer bugs with older films
« on: October 09, 2009, 11:24:14 PM »
Played a slightly older film I had, worked fine, only my P-40E had a DT on it the entire time (I had dropped it before filming). Ran another older film of me in a Fw190A8, and I was in combat so I'm pretty sure I'd have dropped that DT as well, but it showed as in place also.

Secondly, on several films with water, it takes a LONG time for the water to display. Almost 4 minutes or so. I don't know why. On some there's a pause where the land mass won't show up for about 30-60 seconds, but I have an FSO film where we took off of a CV and it's totally white (no textures). It ended up filling in eventually but it took forever.

Again, these are films from before the terrain updates, so probably just a compatibility issue.

Offline Tabasco

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Re: 2 film viewer bugs with older films
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2009, 08:59:25 AM »
I'm not having the terrain problem with older films, but I am seeing the same drop tank thing.  DT's are on planes when I know they were dropped some time earlier.  And I also have films where I dropped the tanks after I started recording, and you see them fall away yet remain shackled to the wings (or belly), as if the "soul" of the DT fell away.  I don't recall if this was happening only with older films.  I'll see if new films also do this.  I'm using hi-res textures and kept them updated, if that means anything.