I can't express in words how much I love the film viewer. I can honnestly say that I've spent just as much time in it as I have online.
I have a few ideas for future development that would greatly improve it's functionality and bug fix requests.
1. When films are cut, the ability to rewind is lost. This is a major pet peeve of mine for obvious reasons.
2. When you’re sitting in the enemy plane your plane will still disappear when passing through the gun site glass.
3. Allow a toggle option for blackouts.
4. TrackIR views. I know this is a must for people who love to create AH2 movie content.
5. The ability to use our joystick's hat's for manual views when in the filmviewer.
6. I would love to see the control surfaces move. Would it also be possible to have a some type of 2D/3D rendering of the actual player's input. This would be invaluable for training, being able to show what control inputs your doing rather than explaining in words would be a God send! The amount of times I've been asked "So how much throttle did you have there?" or "Were you working the rudder at all?"
That's all I have for now, please feel free to add your idea's below.