Author Topic: Idea for Scenario Based on Ground Vehicles  (Read 328 times)

Offline AKP

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Idea for Scenario Based on Ground Vehicles
« on: November 27, 2009, 04:38:35 PM »
Since the "Open Letter To AH Tankers - and others" thread has turned more into a debate between a few on how the last few scenarios have gone in regards to GV's, I think this idea got lost in the mix.  So, I am reposting here for input.

Taking what a few have said in the other post, and adding a few thoughts of my own, I offer up this idea as a possible scenario for a “tank-centric” battle.  Now, before anyone takes it too much to heart, keep in mind that this is just an idea.  For myself, I have not participated in an AH scenario yet, but I do take part in FSO… and I am drawing on part of what I have seen and experienced there to help put this together.

The map below, represents 4 grid sectors in which the battle would take place.  It is completely non-historical in the sense that is does not represent any “real” place, or battle that ever took place.  I added names for the “towns” for ease of identification, and to add a bit of humor (hopefully).  

Also note, that I have little experience with the Map Editor, and some of the things I am proposing may not be possible or feasible… and if so, please feel free to point that out.  Also, since this map does not exist, someone would have to create it, or something like it, in order for this to be done.  However, since the battle is only going to take place over 4 sectors, it doesn’t seem like it would be that much work, when compared to making an entire map.

Why only 4 sectors?  To concentrate masses of tanks into an epic ground battle, and to limit the time it takes to traverse the distance, and engage in combat to something that can be done in the span of just over 2 hours of real time.

The trees on the map should be laid out very densely, so that travel through the forested areas will be extremely slow and difficult for GV’s. The exception would be the roads leading through them.  The roadway areas would be only wide enough to allow a few tanks to effectively operate side by side at one time.  This will allow for several things:

1)   Faster travel on the roads as opposed to the forests
2)   Realistic defense choke points and ambushes… giving the defenders an advantage.


The Allies (Green) hold the central town of Addinkdale, and the 4 surrounding villages of Sudzville, Pyroville, Skuzzydale, and Rosieham.  They have been surrounded by the Axis forces (yellow) and must defend them, and the factories at Addinkdale at all costs.

Addinkdale: Comprised of a city and 2 or 3 factories.  About the size of the grouped “tank towns” we see on the ndisles map or the tank town in the DA.

Outlying Towns:  about the size of a single tank town… no factories.

Vehicle Bases 1 & 2: On plateaus at 10,000 ft, with no access to the rest of the map except by the spawn points indicated.  May not be attacked by opposing forces.
Airbases 3 & 4: On plateaus at 10,000 ft, with no access to the rest of the map except by the spawn points indicated.  May not be attacked by opposing forces.

Radar is off, and detection ranges are set to the absolute minimum (zero if this is possible).  This will make detection of opposing forces dependent on the eyes and ears of players.


The Allies should be outnumbered by the Axis in this scenario, as defense on this map should be easier than attacking. The exact ratio is something that can be discussed later.  Also, the air component should not equal more than 10% of the total numbers of each side… keeping this primarily a ground fight.  The primary functions of aircraft would be reconnaissance and supply.  Close air support, and air interdiction would be performed as needed.

Jeep (for scout & supply roles)
M3 (for scout and supply roles)
Sherman VC or T-34/85 (in limited numbers)

Jeep (for scout and supply roles)
Sdkfz-251 (for scout and supply roles)
M8 (its as close as we have to approximate the SdKfz 234)
Ostwind / Wirblewind
Panzer IV
Tiger I (in limited numbers)



T+0: May spawn in GV’s from V2 into any of the spawn points as directed by their CiC.  From those initial positions, they may send out scout patrols to look for advancing Axis forces, and set up their initial defensive lines.  It would be up to the CiC to decide which units spawn where, and how best to defend each of the outlying towns, as he will not know in advance which directions the attacks will come from, or how heavy each one will be.
Air units may spawn from A3 to scout for opposing ground units, and engage Axis air and ground forces in the P-47 only at this point.
T+15: All fields are now closed.  Air units may return to A3 to refuel and rearm as many times as needed.  Any players killed in GV’s or shot down in aircraft, must now wait until T+60 for the reinforcements phase to get another chance to reup.
T+60: A3 ONLY reopens for all Allied players.  Those assigned to GV’s may spawn into Addinkdale ONLY, and only in the T-34.  Players assigned to air units, may reup in the C-47 ONLY, carrying vehicle supplies.  Pilots who were not shot down during the first 60 minutes, may now return to base if needed and reup in a C-47 if needed.

T+75: A3 Closes again.  All allied players are on their final life.  Scenario will now run to its completion.


T+0: May spawn in GV’s from V1 into any of the spawn points as directed by their CiC.  From those initial positions, they may send out advance scouts to probe Allied defenses, and begin their advance with their assault forces.  It would be up to the CiC to decide which units spawn where, and how best to attack each of the outlying towns, as he will not know in advance how heavily each of the towns have been fortified.
Air units may spawn from A4 to scout for opposing ground units, and engage Allied air and ground forces in the FW-190 only at this point.
T+15: All fields are now closed.  Air units may return to A4 to refuel and rearm as many times as needed.  Any players killed in GV’s or shot down in aircraft, must now wait until T+60 for the reinforcements phase to get another chance to reup.
T+60: A4 ONLY reopens for all Axis players.  Those assigned to GV’s may spawn into any of the spawn points shown on the map as directed by the CiC, but only in the Panzer I.  Players assigned to air units, may reup in the C-47 ONLY, carrying vehicle supplies.  Pilots who were not shot down during the first 60 minutes, may now return to base if needed and reup in a C-47 if needed.

T+75: A4 Closes again.  All Axis players are on their final life.  Scenario will now run to its completion.


Both sides will get points for each opposing ground and air unit destroyed.  Points for individual unit type should be weighted, so that the more powerful the unit is, the more points it is worth.

The Axis side will get points for each FACTORY structure they destroy.

The Allies will get points for each FACTORY structure not destroyed.

Note that normal town buildings are not worth anything.  The main objectives are the factories at Addinkdale… which keeps the fight moving in that direction.

At the end of the fight, the side with the most points wins.


What I have tried to show with the respawns at T+60, is a “reinforcements” phase.  Allies would only be able to deploy reinforcements from Addinkdale, and would have to then send them out where needed to stop the Axis advance.  The Axis CiC, would be able to decide which of the 4 spawn points his forces are needed the most, and deploy them accordingly, and continue his advance on Addinkdale.

The reason I propose separate airbases and vehicle bases, instead of just airbases, is to make it easier at T+60 to ensure everyone deploys where they are supposed to… and make it easier for the CM’s so they only have to open up the 2 airfields, and not all of them.

The second phase of air units, allows for badly needed supplies to be dropped in for each sides tanks to continue the fight.  It also gives surviving fighters the chance to intercept and shoot down the supply planes.

Given that sectors are 25 miles across, the location of the spawn points and the towns, and the speed of the GV’s involved, one could expect the “action” to start on the ground at around T+30 (give or take).  It also allows for a realistic possibility that Axis forces could be attacking the main town of Addinkdale by T+60 (give or take).  In contrast, air units could start spotting and engaging within the first 5 – 10 minutes… and pilots would need to be very careful about choosing their engagements.

You may have noticed that there are no capture points in any of the towns.  This means there is no need for troops, or any of the usual MA “gameyness” that goes with them (like sneaking an M3 in behind a whole line of tanks to score a meaningless victory).  As stated before, attacking the bases on the map is off limits.

So… there is my idea.  I am sure it’s not perfect, and I am relying on all of you to add to it and make it better if needed.  But… I do think that something along these lines would lead to an exciting, and very enjoyable tank battle, with huge numbers of tanks on each side.

You can also throw in the option of playing a “best 2 out of 3” situation over 3 frames.   Frame 1 would start as above.  For Frame 2, the Axis would be the defenders… and for Frame 3, the team in the lead gets to choose attack or defense.

Is it historical? Not at all.  But it does what we are all wanting.  It gives us a confined area, to mass large amounts of tanks, and blow the snot out of each other. While still providing a valid role for air units, and not restricting them during the battle.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 04:40:37 PM by AKP »


Offline Raptor

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Re: Idea for Scenario Based on Ground Vehicles
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2009, 12:19:08 PM »
Scenarios try to recreate WW2 battles. I would suggest something more along the lines of Stalingrad or the Battle of Kursk. The map maker would need to develop a system where the city or area would be captured in sections.