Problem is the Compaqs are proprietary systems. Pretty much 99% of the time, major computer manufacturers use "locked" CPUs. These CPU are physically modified (Traces cut, etc.) to prevent overclocking or changing of the CPU speed. That being said tho, there are things that you can do to speed things up. I'm assuming you've already maxed out the RAM on both comps, (if not, I would suggest doing that first, it's easier and a whole lot safer) you can tweak the OS on the system to gather more performance out of them. A huge resource in that matter is It's a massive forum geared directly at tweaking and gaining every bit of performance you can out of a system (Just use the search function first). If you're using XP, I would suggest Hot Dogs Guide to XP Tweaking. I would suggest DL'n Lavalays Everest and running it. It will give you the exact specifications of your system. Cros your fingers and hope you see "Yes" under Engineering Sample. That means your comp does not have a locked CPU (that 1%) and you can overclock it. The forum I suggested will have many step-by-step guides on what to do. Just be warned tho. If you do, it will run hotter and you may end up frying the whole system. Either way good luck, let me know how it's going.