I have had a 3DPro, non feedback and it worked great in the beginning. Some of you might have seen my posts about it bouncing and I found out why...and how to set it up properly for THIS GAME. Additionally, it is highly recommended that you go to Logitech's site and download: CLRCALIBRTION utility. It wipes the registery clean of any prior calibrations. Apparently, each calibration over-writes the last and that, over time, can create issues with Logitech sticks. Now for the setup:
1) Clear ALL your settings in the joystick area by clicking the default button..now, this will cause you to have to reset ALL your preset buttons...but its completely worth it;
2) Exit the game
3) Use the Clear Calibration Utility from where ever you downloaded it to..I put it on the desktop
4) DO NOT CALIBRATE IN THE WINDOWS UTILITY...Go straight back into the game
5) Go to the joystick setup area and calibrate the joystick immediately (not the individual axis)
6) Now perform any scaling (sliders) you like to setup.
7) Calibrate EACH INDIVIDUAL AXIS as you scale them or one at a time if you don't scale them
8) Remap preset buttons
9) Click OK
Gentlemen...I am absolutely amazed at the difference...no bounce, smooth movements, and great response...I was looking at about 4 different sticks to buy because I need two..one at home and one when I travel and use on my laptop (no, my boss doesnt know why I needed a new laptop...it was coincidence that it occurred right after the first update) and having a rudders etc at home and a twisty on the road meant learning both mappings...now the 29$ joystick works like a champ (and goes right through airport security)
I fly a lot with Bentnail and he performed the same set of instructions and it smoothed his Saitek X52 out as well, sans the clear calibration because its only for Logitech sticks. This works...