Author Topic: Loathing's Learning Corner  (Read 655 times)

Offline Loathing

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Loathing's Learning Corner
« on: January 21, 2010, 01:35:00 PM »
Welcome to Loathing's Learning Corner, this will hopefully be where I can post some films and observations I have about AH and get some feedback from more experienced players.

I'll start it off with two films I got this morning that will hopefully help my improve my basics.

Film 1:

Background: k4 vs 38 fight- MA

My observations: Well I recognized a name from the Top Sticks thread and thought I'd see if he would 1v1. Kindly, he obliged and even gave me a considerable alt advantage (which I recognize as a really poor starting position for me due to my awful throttle work). My thought was to mirror his turns, nose down, throttle chopped and hopefully allow for an easy "saddle". About 1:08 I try to set up a crossing shot that really had no chance. At this point I see Pawz immediately start to come back into me, but I'm blacking out and lose sight of him. I try to go wings level and roll left hopefully to start a rolling scissor to the left (which I felt would have been an advantageous place for me against a 38). When the black out goes away I find that he's a little bit lagged behind me, but quickly pulling through for a shot. Game over.

I'm thinking that sticking with the nose low turn and trying to set up a shot there was a boo boo. I seem to end up shooting in front of pawz even though he has speed on me (which I had no clue about until film). Another thing was going full throttle and wep when trying to setup the rolling scissor. I should have been cutting throttle at that point?

Film 2:

Background: Hurri2c vs k4

My Observations: I find myself heading to a field where a hurri2c ups to defend. My opponent seems to be toying with me, which allows me several failed attempts in one film. I'll admit from the beginning that this is pretty sloppy flying. Anyhow, I merge with a huge E advantage and hope to take him vertical for a simple rope or spiral climb. He stays low and my mindset switches to slowing down and hopefully cut across his turn and create a crossing shot for my tater. I really underestimate his turn radius and give him a side shot as I go speeding by. I immel and hope to get aggressive, thinking he must be very low on speed. He remains in a horizontal turn and I try to set up a long looping roll to the left that will hopefully put me above him and in a position to come down for a crossing shot. This does not happen as I struggle with the throttle/wep and it turns into a weird long turn. At this point the hurri is climbing up my butt and I go for the spiral climb rope. I see him begin to stall out and I chop throttle to hopefully induce a nice nose down stall that will put him right in my sights. This turns into an awkward stall that puts us wingtip to wingtip. Luckily by staying chopped and one circle, he builds up some speed and I get an OK shot (but I can't do a thing with it). Another lucky thing is that he must lose sight of me which allows me to create some distance and setup a re merge where I have the E adv. again (albeit a small one). I immel up and he's underneath me but really close. Not sure what to do I try to just show him my flat side and get past his guns where I can go vertical again. He gets my oil and I enter a flat turn, hoping to retain some E and roll up and over for a shot once he's come around on me a bit more. I think I'm a little frantic at this point and try to roll over on him a bit early. Either way I end up nose down and crossing through his gun sight.  Realizing the tides have turned I go for a bit of separation and try to set up and overshoot. Which works and I get a brief shot. From here I feel like I should have stayed straight and level to create some separation as he turns to the left. Instead, I try to follow him to the left a bit. Pretty quickly I see what a bad choice I've made and then try to get some speed and create separation, but it's a little late.

Hopefully letting you know what I'm thinking during a fight will help you help me, but for the most part it's just a way of making myself analyze every part of the film. I'm late for class and will make a post on my throttle work strategy afterwards. Thanks in advance for the help guys.


"When one has shot down one's first, second or third opponent, then one begins to find out how the trick is done."

Offline Tordon22

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Re: Loathing's Learning Corner
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2010, 05:33:55 PM »
Smoothness on the stick is a big thing. If you're wobbling, you're not turning optimally. 109's are not really my bag. WTF is torque? :)  Look up Agent360, Grizz, hell about any of the muppets if you want someone to give you some 109 advice.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 05:37:17 PM by Tordon22 »

Offline lulu

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Re: Loathing's Learning Corner
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2010, 04:28:25 PM »

It seems to me that situations as the first one require a different approach.
In general, u simple 1) have took a bad blackout; 2) have converted bad your mechanical energy 2) have took a bad blackout. When u miss the shoot or u are feeling to undergoing into a bad blackout, then i suggest to go up vertical as soon as possible (u wait too much) and after this to try something to stop black-out, and restart to attack with alt-advantage. U were in a 109k4 the second (i suppose) best climb plane.
Too much rudder input and bad joystick scaling  can bring into a black-out.
Ur attack idea is basically right but to get the kill u must be able set up ur plane to create a flight path such that the defender think that ur speed is wrong as it was unfortunately for u.
An high yo-yo would be another possible way to get the kill.
Or a kind of reverse barrel rol could be helpfull too.


mobilis in mobile

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Loathing's Learning Corner
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2010, 09:10:43 PM »
I'm no pro, but heres what I think....

First fight, Pawz is top notch so if you give him an inch he's going to knock you silly with it, and you gave him a lot more than an inch !  With your alt and speed you had the upper hand. The idea is to stay engaged using vertical moves, but never get below the bogie. Push him down to the deck so he has no way to convert energy. Basically you want to be a rubber ball bouncing on his head until he's flat.

What you did was to burn off your own "E" trying to slow and turn with him. He maintained his "E" and used it to get you before you could regain your "E". You gave up your advantages before the fight began. Against a less than average player you might have been able to turn him, but against a pretty good player you gave him the kill before you engaged.

Second fight, you NEVER want to go nose to nose with a hurri. Again you gave up your "E" to turn fight against a plane that turns much better than yours does. Your over shoot move toward the end was good, but you turned right back into him. In stead extend a bit to build up some speed, maybe a spiral climb to get some alt on the hurri. Fight your fight, not his. Hurris turn and have big cannons, K4 don't turn so much. Keep your advantage of more "E" and alt and use it against the hurri.

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Re: Loathing's Learning Corner
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2010, 09:33:39 PM »
To start with in the turn your about 100mph faster than 38 I know u chopped throttle but fact is you too fast, you turn almost the whole way round flat around the back of Paws. I suspect he hasn't even touched his throttle because there is no chance of you getting guns on him as you pass by his nose and pull up in front of him the speed difference is now around 50 mph having more speed only matters if it can keep you out of guns range.

I don't think anyone can really post a how 2 thread here because a good stick like Paws doesn't fly like a robot, if you'd tried something different he would react differently.

The best step would be to go see a trainer, nowadays theres one on virtually everytime I go in the TA. I'm sure you'd have no trouble getting a hold of one. And to be honest they know a lot more about it, and can it explain it better than 90% of the people who post in the help forums, myself included (and no offence to anyone who has posted here)

 :salute goodluck