Author Topic: Icon Philosophy - Approach  (Read 8877 times)

Offline Toad

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Re: Icon Philosophy - Approach
« Reply #150 on: March 30, 2010, 01:01:01 PM »
I'm going to throw zoom at you on that one...with the icon reading 2.5k using 3/4 zoom the insignia can be seen...obviously graphics settings determines how well it's rendered.

Zoom....there's goes peripheral vision. As noted in a quote above, peripheral is what gives us location. Location a key factor of ACM.

You do realize that the same argument is made on a daily basis about people who don't dogfight the way someone else thinks they should...and romper room names get tossed out because some jerk has a false sense of superiority just because he can stir his joystick faster than the other one? But I don't see 10 pages of people saying that kind of behavior is as unacceptable as the ideas posed on this thread.

The no icon superiority people are play my way guys. Should be obvious. No 10 page threads? Maybe those guys have finally figured out that you can't (and shouldn't try) make the other guy play your way?

Were you around back when the HT finally gave some players their long sought A v A arena? Go back and read the threads about that. Pretty entertaining, especially the claims made and the actual resulting history of the A v A arena.

You have a settings way should your system be showing 90fps with vsync turned on...unless the monitor is a 120Hz or 240Hz and your video card is capable of rendering above standard monitor refresh rates. If you're game resolution is not set the same as your monitor resolution, you will get some bizarre and unstable frame rates.

I'm always willing to learn. I will PM you with my settings and I'd appreciate any advice.
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Offline dedalos

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Re: Icon Philosophy - Approach
« Reply #151 on: March 30, 2010, 02:56:29 PM »
That being said, I think it was Oldman who was the only one who understood what I was really trying to say about how combat dynamics would be different with this idead. But somehow, this part of my original discussion was almost entirely missed.  So what can I do...

Not really.  OM saw the opportunity to promote the AvA.  Pretty match every thread now turns into the AvA is good, go there.  No one promoting this is being honest really.  If anyone wants to have a more realistic experience, they can remove icons for them selves.  However, they are asking for my icons to be removed.

They are also not honest on what type of game play they are looking for.  They want to make it harder to see them, and easier to pick to pick an run.  No one has been able to describe how it will result to better ACM or fights.  How can you fight someone you did not see coming?  :lol

We got to the point now where Bighorn and Toad are considered clueless for not agreeing with a couple of two weekers.  Really?  It is a game, but like everything else, experience counts.  I would take their 10 year based opinion over a guys whose only hope for a kill is to not been seen any time. 

Bottom line is, if anyone wants icons off, go ahead and do it.  No one is stopping you.  Just leave my icons alone please.
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Sonicblu

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Re: Icon Philosophy - Approach
« Reply #152 on: March 31, 2010, 03:14:56 PM »
There is a difference in promoting Ava with no icons and promoting and arena where everyone has to.

The Ava which im am in favor, is different than a LW MA doing it.

You can come to the ava if you want to if you dont stay where you are.

There are a lot of implied claims in here so im not sure i can sort them all out. Here are my thoughts.

I believe that AvA with no icons is a better experience as far as immersion goes.. but it would only work on the smaller level with guys of like mind and attitude. 

The guys that think the the MA is the better experience so be it.

Here are a few things I think make it better.

1. Two opposing plane sets.    NOT 51 v 51 or la v la
2. With no icons you have to work better with friendlies. YOU cant just go after a red Icon.
3. Specifically I disagree with Dedalos about the pick and run. I havent seen it with no Icons. I do see it in the Ma with icons you can lock a read icon and bnz it to death. With different plane sets and no red icon SA has to be much better that MA.
The only thing that could improve the No icon approach is better graphics, visablility, etc. So you can make out the planes better as it would be in real life.
4.The only Half Icon thing where you turn your icons off doesnt work because there is a whole mentality that Icons promote that have nothing to do with being able to see a plane. The icon gives you info you cant get until you are in fighting distance. And i believe it changes the overall experience.
The icon lets you know is a bandit befor you could know that in real life imo. At 5k could you tell the difference in real life. That is what three miles.
People look for the icon in the game not the plane. You have too based on the way it is set up.

Del says how can you fight someone you cant see. that is the point you have  to have better SA because you can see them with no icon you just have to improve your SA. You start by looking for the plane not the icon.

Not sure it will improve ACM you either have that or you don't It does improve SA and you are way more careful to look for all the bad guys, and to make sure you not saddling up on the six of a friendly.

The icons do solve some problems however it does handicap also.