Author Topic: Pickin up a new PC in 7 hours.....need advise  (Read 1006 times)


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Pickin up a new PC in 7 hours.....need advise
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2001, 05:36:00 AM »
Wobbly-wobble, you either hold major stake in 3Dfx (not possible since they went under   or are a absolute eye-candy junkie ...

I went thorough that curve of "better hardware, better look, company died" about 3 times and sworn myself that I'll only buy surviving brands now, less pain ...

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Pickin up a new PC in 7 hours.....need advise
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2001, 05:59:00 AM »
well prz it maybe so but it does work flawlessly under Dx8 which is the core of Win2000 or the OS for the next few years. By the time Dx8 "dies" you will be upgrading you h/ware anyway.

In the mean time, eye candy or not V5 looks just plain gorgeous compare to nVidia stuff. You actually stop noticing the difference cuz it becomes norm for you. What is very noticeable is when others (SF included) post screenshots and you think "gawd this looks awful - how can anyone stand this crappy looking screens!" (no offence SF!!! Honest!!!)

(although technically I agree with you about h/ware with no support in V5 case the benefits far outweigh potential pitfals, plus with 3dfx going under the prices on these babies should be rock bottom)

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Pickin up a new PC in 7 hours.....need advise
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2001, 11:13:00 AM »
There is no denying that the Voodoo5 FSAA looks incredible, especially compared to the GeForce2 FSAA.  However, the advantage of the GeForce2 (other than performance at the highest resolutions) is the hardware Transform and Lighting, taking a load off the CPU and freeing it up to do more interesting things than draw triangles.  This feature is being implemented by more and more games and I'm sure will be required for games in the future.

By the way, I just built a PIII800 on a CUSL2 motherboard with both an SB Live! and an ASUS V7700 using the detonator 3 drivers and I had ZERO problems.  My dad had tried the same card in his P3V4X and had enough troubles with it that he bought a Voodoo5 instead and loves it.

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Pickin up a new PC in 7 hours.....need advise
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2001, 12:19:00 AM »
Well, I finally got it.

No shreckin ISA slots (forgot to ask) so I hadda go get a new PCI ISDN TA (only £30, I was well chuffed).

Cor!  B17 with everything turned up to max and it doesnt even blink.  
