To the CM's:
I was wondering if were possible to have a set up in which Task Group's (minus the CV), just the CA's and DD's could be intergrated into a scenario. The scenario would have to be one in which either surface ships were used historically or the scenario has to have a large body of water in the mapsheet. Much in the same way the GV battles have been run except with 2 Task Groups positioned say 18 miles from each other to start. No PT's just the big guns and go at it. Maybe extra hardness to keep the battle going for a while. And if wishes were fishes the Task Group would be made up of nothing but 8 CA's against 8 CA's for a big gun shoot out. Keep it all in a grid. This would allow surface ship tactics to be used.
During the ship battle pilot lives would not be limited so that as guns got knocked out you could man another. But you would be limited to only the ship battle until it was over (last ship sunk).
Allow AC into the engagement zone as well but make all of the guns manable. AC could be used as spotters or to attack the ships. And provide points like normal.
Once the Ship battle was over (H+60) those squads could get a second life in a fighter.
I don't know if there would be an issue with the logs or not. But it would be fun to try I think.