Author Topic: Special Events Schedule Jan 15 - Jan 21  (Read 719 times)

Offline 68Raptor

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      • 68th Lightning Lancers
Special Events Schedule Jan 15 - Jan 21
« on: December 21, 2010, 05:53:33 AM »
Saturday January15th. 2011 9:00pm Eastern in SEA II -  Saturday King of the Hill hosted by AKDogg. Just in case you didn't get enough abuse on Friday night or you couldn’t make it to Friday's KOTH then come check out Saturday's KOTH event. Info on KOTH can be found Here. You can also check out the KOTH forums Here.

Sunday January 16th, 2011 10:30pm Eastern in SEA I - Heavy Metal Sunday Enduro Racing Series S3R6   . Hosted by Marshal/SheGotYa.
 7:30 Pacific
 8:30 Mountain
 9:30 Central
10:30 Eastern

**THIRD SUNDAY EVERY MONTH** (off June and July)
Endurance Air Racing. Similar to the the AHXARL in function and form.
Heavy Metal Sunday adds the elements of refueling, unlimited re-ups, and numerous amounts of laps.
Each race (one a month) has a different aircraft chosen by the previous months winner.
We are on season 3.
Check out our forum for the season points winner trophy pictures.
All Welcome!

Individual event info for Heavy Metal Sunday can be found Here .  Track layout and discussions on the individual HMS events can be found in the HMS forums Here

Tuesday January 18th, 2011 10:00pm Eastern in SEA I - Aces High eXtreme Air Racing League - Season 21 Race 12. Scheduled host is 4440
Today, in 1943, A wartime ban on the sale of pre-sliced bread in the United States -- aimed at reducing bakeries' demand for metal replacement parts -- went into effect. No pre-sliced bread. And we think it's tough today! War info taken from

Wednesday January 19th, 2011 10:00pm Eastern in SEA II - Komets over Leipzig
This week's Snapshot is "Komets over Leipzig" hosted by mrmidi. In early August 1944 the US daylight offensive on Germany's oil industry was at its peak. Several Me163 intercepts had been made on the formations before July ended. It wasn't until early August (the exact date unknown) when Lieutenant Hartmut Ryll claimed the Me163's first combat kill. A B-17 downed during a midday sortie. The next day, Feldwebel Siegfried Schubert got the second by removing the entire tail of a B-17 with only three rounds from his 30mm Mk 108. But it was on the same day that Ryll was lost to P-51 escort fighters. Fuel Shortages for the Komet put operational sorties few and far between. Until, Amazingly on October 7 the I. /JG400 put up 20 Komets. Fortunately for the Americans, only a few 163 have made it close to the bombers, and none achieved a kill. Schubert was killed on this sortie when his 163 detonated on takeoff.
Snapshots are walk on events hosted in the SEA II, and all are welcome. Forums are located Here.

Friday January 21st, 2011 11:00pm Eastern in SEA I - Friday Night Squad Op's Frame 3 of Götterdämmerung - The Fall of Berlin: 1945 . Hosted by Mystic, Admin - Nefarious. FSO is a squad based event that is always recruiting. If your squad is interested in participating in FSO please check out the forums Here
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 06:46:22 AM by 68Raptor »
Executive Officer
68th Lighting Lancers