Author Topic: New AHXARacing Season starts Tuesday!  (Read 295 times)

Offline RDRTrash

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New AHXARacing Season starts Tuesday!
« on: January 31, 2011, 09:11:09 PM »
Attn all AH Pilots:

One of your AH Special Events is the (AHXAR) Aces High Extreme Air Racing races, held every Tuesday night.
-AHXAR Races are generally Nap Of Earth - in, around, and through ground level terrain objects at very high speeds.
-The races themselves are similar to a cross between a NASCAR style mixed with RedBull maneuvers. 
-There also is an individual points competition (again, somewhat NASCAR style), and a Team-level points competition.

Each racing-night event is a stand-alone event, walk-ons are welcome!
-And for those that like the competition a 12-race 'season' of races to pit yourselves against other racers night after night.
-Over that same season, pilots that form 'racing teams' get to compete on a team-level point competition against the other teams.
-At the end of each season there is a "Finale" race event, invitation only, chosen from the best performers of that season.
-Lastly, once every 4 seasons there is a 'Grand Finale' race event, invitation only, chosen only from the winners of Season Standings or Finale Races, who get to compete for Real-life-trophies (for your home-trophycase)!  This event is named for the event's founder, and the "cup" is named, "The 68KO Cup".

The whole point to all of this is that this coming Tuesday (tomorrow) is the beginning of the newest season, the 22nd season of this event (approaching 6 years now).
If there was a time to give Aces High Extreme Air Racing a try, now is the time.  Come join us this Tuesday (tomorrow) for Season 22 Race 1, "Island Fever GP".
Here is a link to the BBS Thread in the AHXAR threads for a description of the race:,305461.0.html

The race is currently set up in the SEAI arena until tomorrow night, for all the practice that you might need.  Visit for a full-picture description of the race track, or additional details of the AHXAR and community members.