Libya: HA! PWNZ U, F-15!
USA: Dude that was totally a proxy!
Libya: Wuz Not!
USA: I augered!!!
France: Actually that's kinda more embarrasing, mon ami.
NATO: Maybe you'd better let us post the next mission, dude.
USA: fine, whatever.
Japan: Why'd you move the CV? Can't get Lvt's onto the beach.
USA: I told U I ain't moving it back until you deal with that big glowing shore battery!!!!
Japan: I'm workin' on it!!!
Canada: Jeez USA dude why so grumpy?
USA: Sry guys, came home from trip and got locked outta my house.
Canada: lol!
Great Britain: lolz! sorry dude!
Chile: Ya, U left keys at my house. I'll fed ex em to ya.
USA: tnx. *******GV MISSION POSTED********
USA: *****GV MISSION!!!********
USA: Anyone?
USA: Hello?
France: Sry, buzy
Germany: busy
Japan: way too busy.
Canada: I'll go but I suck at gv's.
Great Britain: Dude that Afghanistan thing is getting old.
Russia: Why U think I stopped going there?
China: cuz U suck?