Author Topic: Some GV wishes  (Read 276 times)

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Some GV wishes
« on: May 21, 2011, 01:23:54 PM »
1. Toe brakes mapped as analog throttle/brake  I think it would be nice to be able to map the right pedal toe brake analog axis as an analog throttle and the left as an analog brake.  Then the W and S keys could still be active and respond like a cruise control; i.e. accelerate to the speed you want, click W, and the tank would hold that speed without needing your foot on the pedal.  Hit the brake pedal and the cruise control disengages and puts you back in analog fine control of throttle and braking.

2. Lose or reduce the yaw oscillation  In the current version, if you turn your tank from a heading of 0 to 90 deg it oscillates about the yaw axis and finishes at about 75 deg.  I can't think of the physics that would cause this.  I've looked at videos of tanks on YouTube, including one of a Sherman running around at speed in a field, and none of them do that.  My Jeep never did that even on icy roads.  If it lost traction it would just continue to rotate in the yaw axis, ie spin out.  There's enormous friction between tank tracks and the ground and this would dampen any overshoot and I don't see the mechanism for an oscillation.  Losing the yaw oscillation would make driving tanks easier in close confines.

3. Add pitch oscillation  The one thing viewing YouTube videos of tanks did show is that they pitch up significantly upon starting to move (and pitch down when stopping).  They are pretty jerky in fact (although this could be due to inexpert driver use of the clutch).  Adding this dynamic would enhance the immersion.  Now I know some would think it foolish for HTC to spend time on such eye candy, but in fact they already have implemented some pretty cool dynamic eye candy.  For example, the Jeep has a fully active suspension; if you get air in the Jeep the axles and wheels extend out from the chassis and frame and compress back in when you hit ground.  Even the tanks have active suspensions; if you look closely at a Sherman when it turns the hull leans independent of the tracks.  There's really already quite a bit of impressive dynamic detail present in the GVs (and planes as well, Oleo struts compress on landing).

Offline AWwrgwy

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Re: Some GV wishes
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2011, 01:54:30 PM »
1. Toe brakes mapped as analog throttle/brake  I think it would be nice to be able to map the right pedal toe brake analog axis as an analog throttle and the left as an analog brake.  Then the W and S keys could still be active and respond like a cruise control; i.e. accelerate to the speed you want, click W, and the tank would hold that speed without needing your foot on the pedal.  Hit the brake pedal and the cruise control disengages and puts you back in analog fine control of throttle and braking.

2. Lose or reduce the yaw oscillation  In the current version, if you turn your tank from a heading of 0 to 90 deg it oscillates about the yaw axis and finishes at about 75 deg.  I can't think of the physics that would cause this.  I've looked at videos of tanks on YouTube, including one of a Sherman running around at speed in a field, and none of them do that.  My Jeep never did that even on icy roads.  If it lost traction it would just continue to rotate in the yaw axis, ie spin out.  There's enormous friction between tank tracks and the ground and this would dampen any overshoot and I don't see the mechanism for an oscillation.  Losing the yaw oscillation would make driving tanks easier in close confines.

3. Add pitch oscillation  The one thing viewing YouTube videos of tanks did show is that they pitch up significantly upon starting to move (and pitch down when stopping).  They are pretty jerky in fact (although this could be due to inexpert driver use of the clutch).  Adding this dynamic would enhance the immersion.  Now I know some would think it foolish for HTC to spend time on such eye candy, but in fact they already have implemented some pretty cool dynamic eye candy.  For example, the Jeep has a fully active suspension; if you get air in the Jeep the axles and wheels extend out from the chassis and frame and compress back in when you hit ground.  Even the tanks have active suspensions; if you look closely at a Sherman when it turns the hull leans independent of the tracks.  There's really already quite a bit of impressive dynamic detail present in the GVs (and planes as well, Oleo struts compress on landing).

2. It doesn't even take 90o.
I think it's an overly active steer centering at work.

3. Pitch oscillation is defiantly there on deceleration, at least on the M-3. I hit the brakes and jump to the gun as I'm stopping and as I try to get the sight on I end up too high as I stop completely because I'm aiming as I slow and the "nose" is pitching down under braking.

Can't say if it's there on acceleration as I really haven't looked.

71 (Eagle) Squadron

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- General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay

Offline Blagard

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Re: Some GV wishes
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2011, 02:07:27 PM »
1. Toe brakes mapped as analog throttle/brake  I think it would be nice to be able to map the right pedal toe brake analog axis as an analog throttle and the left as an analog brake.  Then the W and S keys could still be active and respond like a cruise control; i.e. accelerate to the speed you want, click W, and the tank would hold that speed without needing your foot on the pedal.  Hit the brake pedal and the cruise control disengages and puts you back in analog fine control of throttle and braking.

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Offline R 105

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Re: Some GV wishes
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2011, 03:53:11 PM »
 I wish the spawn drives were cut in half. I don't care if the drive to the base or town stays like it is so the fly boys don't whine and cry and about GVs. But it would be nice to have spawns close enough together so the tankers can engage without a 20 minute drive. GV use looks like it is way down from what we had some years back.

 Tanks in AH are treated like how the Government treats cigarettes. They don't band them out right but they do all in there power to make it as hard to smoke them as possible. Ether band them or let um alone. If HTC is going to copy parts of World of Tanks for their GVs try copying the driving distances too. Every map needs a V85 or V135 type spawn. Shorten drives and put old tank town back in the game and GV use will skyrocket.