Author Topic: Another GV transmission wish  (Read 260 times)

Offline Tigger29

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Another GV transmission wish
« on: February 06, 2012, 02:15:14 PM »
I know I know Auto transmissions are here to stay.  I get it.

My issue is that they still stuggle with hills.  Going up hill 1st gets me to 8mph, then 2nd gets me to 15mph then 3rd gets me to 20mph but then it shifts to 4th and my speed drops to about 12mph.. then downshifts to 3rd and back up to 20mph again.. then back down to 8mph... and so on and so on.  This is very annoying.

I know you can set a speed and hold it but if you press W one too many times then it upshifts and you slow way down.  I understand the whole WASD thing and how the actual driving of the GV isn't as important as the combat aspect I really do!

But considering that HTC wants it to be as easy as possible to drive these things then why even bother with gears in the first place?  I mean sure you can continue to play the sounds of it all but why even bother modelling it into the vehicle's drivetrain?

Instead I think they should make it all just one single gear (with shifting noises if desired) and limit the top speed of the vehicle based on the "pitch" or the "angle" of its front end.

For example.. take a Panzer.  Lets say at zero degrees (level surface) it can do 25mph.  Just set it so 0-10 degrees maintains 25, 10-20 maintains 20mph, 20-30 maintains 12mph, 30-40 maintains 5mph and 40+ it can't even move!  This (or something similar) just seems like it would simplify the whole shifting nonsense altogether!

Also I think that GV's should get a speed bonus for driving on a paved surface (or a speed reduction for not driving on one).  In other words maybe a panzer would do 25mph on a paved road but only 20mph on grass... to give GV'ers an incentive to take the roads!