Was thinking that a slight modification on the CV group damage model might make play a bit more interesting. My thoughts:
1. Make the Carrier damage model more robust, ie more ordinance needed for a sinking.
2. In conjunction with beefing up the damage model, make it a diminishing capability instead of the all or nothing (not referring to guns or support ship availability) model that we have now. For example having physical damage points that could be targeted to disable bombers, fighters and gv's individually, and then making it so the Carrier cannot be sunk until all are destroyed. This should give the Carrier more longevity but less punch as the battle continues. This will also provide differing capabilities in each battle depending upon the skill of the defenders and luck of the hits. This particular model could also affect the strategic decision to continue with the assault or withdraw.
3. Repair to the Carrier and support ships are not automatic - once damaged (not sunk), the Carrier needs to be withdrawn to a friendly port or within proximity to friendly lines for repairs to begin.
4. Lost support ships do not automatically re-spawn (I am not sure this happens now, but have been advised that it does) until the CV itself either re-spawns or is pulled back for repair.
Just a few different ideas that may change the way CV groups are used and deployed - for discussion........