In another game I play, War in the Pacific - you don't actually even get to chat with the other members of the community, we talk via forums only. However after years of talking to a certain player in australia whose devoted so much time to helping upgrade the game, his laptop crashed.
We pooled over $500 from around the world to buy him a new laptop, and he had no idea.
I donated one or two accounts of players who felt to frustrated to continue after a two week trial, so far one has stayed in game. My reason? pass on the game, the more who can come to appreciate the game and the history behind what it stands for, the better community we can have.
Before asking why - $15 is a far cry what I spend in bar's when the ol lady is busy doing karaoke, I rather give to someone who might appreciate it, and maybe one day THEY can forward to another player long after I am gone.
I have a short list of people, without question I would help out, without reason.