Author Topic: My flying so far... Part 2  (Read 148 times)

Offline flight17

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My flying so far... Part 2
« on: August 02, 2012, 11:49:15 PM »
Here was the original... But I'm starting a new thread...

Part 1,325256.15.html
So since my last thread, I have done a lot, but not as much as I would have liked...

When I first posted back in December, I was working on my instrument rating. Well I finally took the check ride and passed it back on June 22nd. I stopped flying for most of March and April as i needed to take my instrument written which took me a while to get ready for and take, and pass lol. The first time i took it, i missed the 70% by one question... But i passed the second time. But I received the rating at 107hr even. So the instrument rating took me about 45-50 hours to complete.

 A couple hours after my check ride, I started towards my commercial rating. I am currently flying part 141 for my commercial license, but I may be switching to part 61 later. I have flown all but one of my cross countries that were required, but the 250 took me a while due to weather. The one I still need to complete is a 50NM night XC. However, my airport has been closed at night most of the spring and summer due to repaving of the runway and taxiways, resurfacing of the aprons, and painting and grooving along with other maintenance that had to be done. Hopefully tonight was the last night that it will be closed as it was supposed to be done this past weekend, but we will see tomorrow...

But I finally got a good day to fly my 250 two weeks ago and I was going to go to Gary Chicago, which would have been about 330NM. I wanted to go to somewhere interesting and I figured I would get to see some cool stuff on the way there... Well I was getting ready to walk out to the plane and looked at the radar on last time and storms were popping up to the west in Northeastern Iowa but were completely dissipating about 20NMs west of Gary. So i had to decide if I was going to go or not.

I finally decided not to after about an hour of debating on it. However, I was already ready to go with the plane loaded up and preflighted for my little adventure... So I decided I would just go somewhere where there was clear skies. So I quickly planned a flight to Lexington Kentucky, which was 255NM away.

So I flew there... It was a really boring flight down, but luckily I had an ADF to pick up some radio, but being in the middle of nowhere, the station selections was limited. I arrived into Lexington and was shocked by all of the horse farms there that surrounded the area which was pretty cool. I taxied to TacAir, which was a beautiful FBO. If you ever stop there, definitely stop in there. The building was absolutely gorgeous. They even have TVs at every urinal. Lol. Got fuel and started my flight back home which went uneventful.


So now that brings me to my current flying. Tomorrow, I will begin flying the Piper PA-44 Seminole! I have decided to switch to multi-commercial to finish out my commercial training. This is due to two reasons. The first is this will give me the required multi time for the upcoming new laws early on which will hopefully help me getting a flying job sooner possibly at a 135 operation. (My instructor now has almost 1900hrs but so far has only gotten 50hrs multi in two years.)

I'm going to get my private multi-engine rating first within the first 15 hours or so of the training. This will allow me to then log the other 85 or so hours I'm planning on flying in the Seminole to be all logged as PIC and not just dual given. This will also allow me to possibly begin flying as part of our C-123K crew to airshows this year.

I'm going to get both my single engine commercial and twin engine commercial licenses with instrument add ons on the same day hopefully. I'm hoping to get these licenses by late October at the latest. I still haven't decided if I'm going to get my CFIs yet as I don't particularly want to teach as I don't think I would be very good at it. But hopefully if I do get them, I will have at least my CFI by the beginning of next year, ideally earlier.

Totals from 12-15-2011:
60.3 hours total
31.4hrs total PIC
6.3 night
1.6 Actual IMC
17.1 simulated IMC
163 takeoffs/landings

Totals as of 8-2-2012:
130.5 hours total
100.5 hours PIC
13.5 hours night
9.6 actual Instrument
44.2 simulated Instrument
305 takeoffs/landings
119th Riffle Tank Regiment leader -Red Storm Krupp Steel Scenario

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Offline Tupac

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Re: My flying so far... Part 2
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 12:01:08 AM »
That's awesome! That's also alot of actual IMC, keep at it! Congrats on passing the IR!
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