I mostly fly the game, track my score. I flight strickly fighter unless I get into either ubber frustration or boredom then I will run some bombers into the ground.
With the game, the first squad I was in (for a few month) really pushed for the high score. The trick, among others included getting one base capture a month. The squad CO would almost daily ask if everyone had their base capture. And the easy way to get high points was to up a PT boat, drive it to a town and shoot up some buildings. These two events would drive the overall score.
Whatever...as with most scoring systems it accurately 'ball parks' pilots. Those fighters who get into the top-50 tend to be really good pilots. Hard to game that. Those that finish in the top-20 seem to be without question the best fighter sticks around. Ultimately it is the dueling ladders and squad dueling leagues that will sort it out.