Ya...ummm...sorry bout that Redbull, you were the back of the flight...
AKELD61323:38:28 Departed from Field #7 in a Ki-61-I-Tei00:22:26 Helps AKGreyga shoot down RedBull.00:23:09 Helps AKGreyga shoot down RedBull.AKFulcrm23:38:31 Departed from Field #7 in a Ki-61-I-Tei00:22:26 Helps AKGreyga shoot down RedBull.AKGreyga23:38:45 Departed from Field #7 in a Ki-61-I-Tei00:22:26 Shot down a B-29 flown by RedBull.00:23:09 Shot down a B-29 flown by RedBull.00:24:01 Helps AKPepprr shoot down RedBull.AKPepprr23:38:43 Departed from Field #7 in a Ki-61-I-Tei00:22:26 Helps AKGreyga shoot down RedBull.00:24:01 Shot down a B-29 flown by RedBull.AKQwik23:38:42 Departed from Field #7 in a Ki-61-I-Tei00:24:01 Helps AKPepprr shoot down RedBull.AKShrike23:38:29 Departed from Field #7 in a Ki-61-I-Tei00:23:09 Helps AKGreyga shoot down RedBull.AKSofty23:38:39 Departed from Field #7 in a Ki-61-I-Tei00:23:09 Helps AKGreyga shoot down RedBull.00:24:01 Helps AKPepprr shoot down RedBull.Yet somehow...still...Top Pilots: Kills 442w30 (~Air Raiders~): 5 BudGray (Duxford Wing RAF): 3 RedBull (Army of Muppets): 3I did leave a sizable hole in Japan though, didn't even have to drop my bombs! (Image removed from quote.)