Author Topic: A-20 No Engine Restart  (Read 148 times)

Offline smoe

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A-20 No Engine Restart
« on: January 27, 2013, 12:58:42 PM »
I was flying an A-20 the other day and shut down both engines and couldn't restart either one.

I received a hit to the left engine oil (it was the left engine if my memory serves me right). I was loitering around a vbase and decided to shut the (shift+1 damaged) left engine down and save it for emergency power when needed. I shut the left engine off ok, but then I (believe to have) switched to the right engine (shift+2) and for some reason I hit the "E" key again and shut down the #2 (undamaged) engine. Now both engines were off and I tried everthing to get either engine back on. I performed an emergency landing and tried to restart both engines when parked, but no response in either engine.