Author Topic: Ideas to encourage flying as units  (Read 1039 times)

Offline mthrockmor

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Re: Ideas to encourage flying as units
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2013, 10:21:49 AM »
I like aspects of this concept. I have long thought you should be able to add three wingmen, a classic American division or German Schwarm. If you upped as wingmen (up tp 4) and all 4 received the combined, earned perks upon the final bird landing or being killed, how would that harm the game? I see a simple incentive to fly in divisions/schwarms.

+1 (in some version).

No poor dumb bastard wins a war by dying for his country, he wins by making the other poor, dumb, bastard die for his.
George "Blood n Guts" Patton