I tried it and they do drop on the players drop command if the player is number one plane. I did not assign targets, but made that segment a drop ord segment. They target the attacking AI fighters independently and they open the bay doors apparently because it is a drop ord segment. They do not close the doors while still in that segment even if the player closes his doors. It works well for B17 bomb and fighter defense practice. It is listed as smfldb17 for the ndisles terrain if anyone wants to try it. I did not put a briefing to keep the start up time to a minimum, but let it auto takeoff and then it will warp to a point close to a small enemy airfield. The others I have posted involve heavy fighters and are smfldp47, smfldp51 etc, all on ndisles and are the same except the AI fighters are in attack mode and won't drop their ords.