Author Topic: Alert System  (Read 348 times)

Offline stealth

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Alert System
« on: August 08, 2013, 05:44:26 PM »
Now I'm a Rook in the late war main arena. I fly and and take bases with my squadron. My patriotic duty to my side though (cliche I know) is to put out alerts on the country chat. You know sometimes there are a couple bombers coming to a base or maybe even the HQ. I then put out an alert on it and people come to the rescue. For example if an airfield was to be attacked by 12 or so many pilots I would put out on country chat "Alert A101 Large Enemy Raid Inbound". Depending on its importance level I decide to add caps or not. If it was just 2 enemies coming to some base I put out on country chat "alert 101".

I'm tired of doing this though, depending on how often each individual pilot in the game look at their map. Bases are "sneaked" without anybody even so much as looking the other way. I think that there should be a system put into Aceshigh telling you that a base is being attacked. Wait! wait! I know this is a little over powered. That's why it would only be broadcasted to people who are already in flight who are near to the base that is being attacked. Whenever a base that hasn't "flashed" for an extended amount of time lets say 10-20 minutes. Then that said base whichever one it maybe started to flash because an enemy was in its proximity. Then all pilots that are in flight within 1-3 sectors of that base (depending on size of map); would be alerted to that base flashing by chat.

I think it would add to the realism effect in the game, plus it would make my day easier because I hate seeing my side loose bases.

What do you all think of this concept? Good? Bad?

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Offline guncrasher

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Re: Alert System
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 05:49:41 PM »
idea sounds good but I think pretty soon a lot of the bases would start being "flashed" by mistake and thus become unusable.

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Offline Zoney

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Re: Alert System
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2013, 06:05:45 PM »
"I think it would add to the realism effect in the game, plus it would make my day easier because I hate seeing my side lose bases."

Do you want the game to be easier ?
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Alert System
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2013, 06:41:11 PM »
Im all for anything to point me toward a fight. Tired of seeing "squeeker" walk away with free base captures. I always thought this game was about fighting be it in a dog fight, grabbing a base, or wining the war. FIGHT for it.

Offline MrKrabs

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Re: Alert System
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2013, 06:43:36 PM »
Im all for anything to point me toward a fight. Tired of seeing "squeeker" walk away with free base captures. I always thought this game was about fighting be it in a dog fight, grabbing a base, or wining the war. FIGHT for it.

B-B-But I like stealing bases from under people's noses  :uhoh
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Offline Babalonian

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Re: Alert System
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2013, 06:50:23 PM »
Now I'm a Rook in the late war main arena. I fly and and take bases with my squadron. My patriotic duty to my side though (cliche I know) is to put out alerts on the country chat. You know sometimes there are a couple bombers coming to a base or maybe even the HQ. I then put out an alert on it and people come to the rescue. For example if an airfield was to be attacked by 12 or so many pilots I would put out on country chat "Alert A101 Large Enemy Raid Inbound". Depending on its importance level I decide to add caps or not. If it was just 2 enemies coming to some base I put out on country chat "alert 101".

I'm tired of doing this though, depending on how often each individual pilot in the game look at their map. Bases are "sneaked" without anybody even so much as looking the other way. I think that there should be a system put into Aceshigh telling you that a base is being attacked. Wait! wait! I know this is a little over powered. That's why it would only be broadcasted to people who are already in flight who are near to the base that is being attacked. Whenever a base that hasn't "flashed" for an extended amount of time lets say 10-20 minutes. Then that said base whichever one it maybe started to flash because an enemy was in its proximity. Then all pilots that are in flight within 1-3 sectors of that base (depending on size of map); would be alerted to that base flashing by chat.

I think it would add to the realism effect in the game, plus it would make my day easier because I hate seeing my side loose bases.

What do you all think of this concept? Good? Bad?

Good idea, but missing the human element I think will cause an automated system to very quickly turn into the "boy who cried wolf".  Also a current system is already in place in the MAs, the ol' "Base Is Under Attack" chime or some soundpacks have edited it to things like "Enemy Inbound".

It will hoot and hollar everytime it's 1 or 2 bombers/cons inbound for a field (or just flying nearby or over it) or if it's the occasional massive enemy mission.  It will exist, but people like you will still be paid more attention to than the automated alert system.  Thus it really doesn't negate the need for you or someone else to be the Rookistan ATC and calling out "hey a couple bombers here" or "hey massive mishun there".  It'll be that proverbial light on the wall that has the "Problem" sign hanging beneath it, everyime it detects enemy incursions it will light up "Problem", and you're left to ignore it or figure out what is setting it off this time.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 06:53:57 PM by Babalonian »
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Offline Wiley

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Re: Alert System
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2013, 09:00:12 PM »
It would be kind of neat if it were also tied to enemy numbers.  Maybe something along the lines of "a couple of bandits are inbound to field 34"  "many bandits are inbound to field 34" "field 34 is hooped."

I'd say not to make it range dependent.  Maybe a tunable channel or something like that.

The info is already there though.  People already choose to ignore it.

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Offline Schen

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Re: Alert System
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2013, 06:16:55 AM »
hearing that message and understanding that message are 2 different things. hearing enemy inbound, or what ever your warning is means nothing, now if you know to look at your map ( max expansion) and zoom in on flashing base then you have your direction to go on <S>
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Offline bozon

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Re: Alert System
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2013, 02:02:26 PM »
Bases are captured mostly by GVs these days
 However we cannot tell if a base is flashing because there is one vehicle inbound or twenty. We need a gv bar dar equivalent.

Bases are rarely taken by sneak air raids. The red bar being built in the next sector attracts players as me and my squadron like flies to fresh ****.
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