Author Topic: Ramblings  (Read 566 times)

Offline Fury

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« on: August 26, 2001, 09:56:00 AM »
I'm hoping there is a relatively easy way for HTC to do things in the CA without having to do much work.  I personally feel they will be working towards getting the MA finished up before they do too much work on the CA -- as far as I know, the CA is still an experiment and may not get a ton of attention until it takes off big.  I've read a lot of good stuff on a few of the boards about how to enhance the gameplay in the CA without making it into a second MA, with rolling fronts and different strat elements, and no base capture thingy.

I'm wondering if there are things that could be applied to the CA that would require little or no extra of work from HTC.

I think I've read just about all the suggestion posts about how to get more out of the CA and I don't remember reading about "team points" (if I missed that, sorry).  If HTC could track scores and points by "team" (or country), that could be somehow worked into the strat and rolling front and is maybe something that could be done without a lot of work.

Tracking scores by countries would enhance the role of bombers in the CA since bombers can score a lot of points if they make it to target.  Maybe they lose points scored if they do not make it home.  Fighter points would also count.  I'm talking about the current point system on the score pages.  Maybe even perk points could be used, although I don't know if HTC can track perk points by country (or even if they can track score points by country).

Without using base capture and without having to wait for an elaborate strat system from HTC, maybe HTC could investigate using a point system combined with % damage at a base for x amount of time, and the base could change hands, simulating a rolling front.  When the base changes hands, no damage is automatically repaired, so no instantaneous takeoff spots.

It's not perfect and may not even be smart, but it's Sunday morning and I'm just spewing.  I'm sure others could expand on using points or coming up with ideas that HTC can implement sooner rather than later.


Offline Buzzbait

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« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2001, 02:10:00 PM »
S! Fury

I totally agree.  There should be a running total of the victories and points per side.  That way players would have a sense of where their country stands.