Author Topic: Yak 3 Opinons?  (Read 3380 times)

Offline Widewing

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2013, 04:44:23 PM »
Is anyone thinking that the Yak 9U offers a wee bit more in stability with a small enough loss in maneuverability to hardly notice?  The more I tinkered with the stall speeds, rudder kicks/tail slides, roll rates, etc, at different speeds the more I felt like the 9U was just as much of a knife fighter as the -3.

I think a better judge would be to see how the 9U and -3 measure up to the Spit16 in a chase.

I think that the Yak-9U cannot compete equally with the Yak-3 Co-E, Co-alt. The -9U will have to use its speed advantage to extend and reset. It simply cannot afford to get into a prolonged maneuver fight with the Yak-3. It will lose.
My regards,


YGBSM. Retired Member of Aces High Trainer Corps, Past President of the DFC, retired from flying as Tredlite.

Offline Muzzy

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2013, 01:36:16 AM »
I haven't flown the 9U long enough to form an accurate opinion, but I think the -3 is more responsive. It feels like it corners better and has a better roll rate as well. The 9U feels heavier and a bit more sluggish, even though it is a bit faster.

CO 111 Sqdn Black Arrows

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Offline Stellaris

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #47 on: September 13, 2013, 08:21:40 AM »
When I was writing about the lack of bomb load, I wanted to say, "In Soviet Russia, Fighters don't bomb...Bombers fight! (see IL-2)"

In America, fighters bomb.  In Soviet Russia, bombers fight!

I don't have any national brand loyalty for aircraft, but between the La-7, the 9U and now the 3, I am going to have to put a couple of big red stars on the side of my computer.

Plus three small white ones for a certain F4 driver  :lol

Offline Butcher

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #48 on: September 13, 2013, 09:52:19 AM »
I really like the Yak-3, I just wish its acceleration was a little better, I would give anything to have two 20mms with 120 rounds and thats it.

Its a fun bird to fly, nothing exceptional but it does handle quite well, I just wish my aim was a little better.
JG 52

Offline Fulcrum

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #49 on: September 13, 2013, 10:16:26 AM »
I really like the Yak-3, I just wish its acceleration was a little better, I would give anything to have two 20mms with 120 rounds and thats it.

Its a fun bird to fly, nothing exceptional but it does handle quite well, I just wish my aim was a little better.

Agreed.  Acceleration is slow, but once she gets up to speed its hard to slow her down at times.  Being I have to get in REAL close in to hit anything, I fould it annoying when I flew up the six of a few opponents my first few times in it.  :lol
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Offline Triton28

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #50 on: September 13, 2013, 10:18:23 AM »
I don't find acceleration to be an issue.  Maybe against K4's and the like, but without having actually tested it, she feels above average.

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Offline Fulcrum

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #51 on: September 13, 2013, 10:44:19 AM »
I don't find acceleration to be an issue.  Maybe against K4's and the like, but without having actually tested it, she feels above average.

Just feels slow getting to speed to me but i admit its not a turtle.  It holds on to e quite well....thus my initial unfortunate habit of running up opponents bums while flying it.  :frown:
Going by "Hoplite" now. :)

Offline Muzzy

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #52 on: September 13, 2013, 10:44:39 AM »
I don't find acceleration to be an issue.  Maybe against K4's and the like, but without having actually tested it, she feels above average.

I would say acceleration is about average, but not exceptional. It took me about a a minute and twenty seconds to reach maximum speed after a climb out to about 10k or so, which is not great, but the Yak 3 also dives well, so you can pick up speed that way if need be. The hard part is catching up to a con after you've pulled a reversal.

CO 111 Sqdn Black Arrows

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Offline pipz

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #53 on: September 13, 2013, 04:21:00 PM »
Its acceleration appears slower down near stall speed compared to 109s and Spitfires. After a few fights with them it seems they get up and get going a bit better from a real slow start. That was just an observation and I could be wrong. I have to get in close to hit anything but those Russian guns clobber the target.

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Offline Zacherof

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #54 on: September 13, 2013, 04:39:49 PM »
Its acceleration appears slower down near stall speed compared to 109s and Spitfires. After a few fights with them it seems they get up and get going a bit better from a real slow start. That was just an observation and I could be wrong. I have to get in close to hit anything but those Russian guns clobber the target.

"A bandit on your six is better than no bandit at all"
:rofl :aok
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Offline Butcher

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #55 on: September 13, 2013, 05:56:52 PM »
Its acceleration appears slower down near stall speed compared to 109s and Spitfires. After a few fights with them it seems they get up and get going a bit better from a real slow start. That was just an observation and I could be wrong. I have to get in close to hit anything but those Russian guns clobber the target.

"A bandit on your six is better than no bandit at all"

Yeah its certainly slower, I've been in a few good fights the past few days, once i get near stall speed if I don't have the the gun angle I pretty much know I am dead - even if I do get the kill the Yak-3 simply cannot get up and run.
JG 52

Offline Reaper90

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #56 on: September 17, 2013, 09:27:17 PM »
Not exactly Yak 3, but I have to say WTFG to HTC and crew on the remodeling of the Yak 9U and 9T.... flew the 9T for the first time this past weekend since the remodel, and can't pry myself out of it. I know there wasn't a change to the flight model, at least I don't remember that being mentioned as a change, but WOW  :O I'm in love all over again.

It might be a loooooong time before I get the La5FN back out of the hanger......


 :cheers: to HTC & Co.
'Murican dude in a Brit Squad flying Russian birds, drinking Canadian whiskey

Offline wpeters

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Re: Yak 3 Opinons?
« Reply #57 on: September 27, 2013, 11:05:19 AM »
I find the yak 3 is great in a low alt furball. 

1 Throttle is one of your main control surfaces
2 Once you get on the six of bandit wait to fire till he starts turning.  Turn inside and fire.  I find it is easier to kill them this way.

3 The 3 excelles in the scissors.  Verical or horizontal.

4 Last of all cut throttle when 600 800 out if you are clossing fast and wait to fire til 200 out. Aim at the wing roots and you will get the kill..

PS dont fire for more than 1.5 seconds at a time
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