this all started with 2 littlle silver spedks in the sky one day and little did i know what adventure it wold bring me@ they turned out to be 2pt22 PT Rayns which were on a taining flight out of Rome Ga, which was a air forcre reserved training base, which used to be out of what is now Peachtree/dekab airport1. with dads help, i signed up that day and three days later, took my "flying appitude test ride in a "BT-13" after about 30 minutes, he igned me back to base and siad i passed with flying coolors! Then more steps up the latter and then finally B-26 school out of Bioix, Miss.I wish i could remember where i when from there but my mind if failing me now and i can't remeber all the stops i made!i know that i made my last time in B29's, flying recon potrol outof Tinian, patroling off Japan,then the b-29 and36's were comingon board and i resigned tofly the airlines@
I flew a DC-6B for about a year and fiond out thee was good money to be made flying ferry jobs hee and there. I will try to concont some of those memorial flightd but now am tired adn son is getting tired of typeing i think