i would like to see the SPA-Viberti AS.42. this is a jeep like vehicle with about a 50mph top speed, it can have 4-5 crew. and so it would have the loadout of the jeep. with one extra to the loadout. the italian SPA-Viberti AS.42 could also have a 20mm gun on the back,and it did quite often. this being the counter to the raiding jeeps in africa,and also doing some raids themselves. they also had a 47mm available for anti aircraft. what this vehicle would do would be to give a base the extra speed and firepower to get to the town while under attack and stop enemy troops,the trade off is they are unarmoured like the jeep. they would also be fun for the nascar type fast vehicle raid sometimes used. the extraa fire power would be worth the risk. remember this was a real vehicle,made in quantity,serving in several areas and used by both the germans and italians during ww2.and it could very fun and useful in game. load out would be either 3 troops,2-3 vehicle supps,20mm gun, and possible the 47mm gun for antiaircraft. the gun info is: The Cannone-Mitragliera da 20/65 modello 35 (Breda), also known as Breda Model 35, was a 20 mm anti-aircraft gun produced by the Società Italiana Ernesto Breda of Brescia company , The Solothurn S-18/1000 20 mm Anti-Tank rifle was a Swiss and German anti-tank rifle used during the Second World War. and lastly the The Cannone da 47/32 M35. i dont think the last one(47mm) would be good in game,the other two as option would. one for antiaircraft work and light vehicles.the other for tracks on other vehicles. it could be a game vehicle that did do multiroles in real life.