I found a great trick last night by accident. We were just drifting off to sleep and then I got disturbed and decided to check on Tiny Shida. When I came back Mrs Shida said she thought she heard one buzzing around. Quick flashlight search revealed the little bugger on the wall right above our bed tucking a napkin in it's collar and licking its lips. We merged three times, little shrecker kept diving to ack. But he burned up all his e and I got him locked in a rolling scissor right above my pillow and BANG, pilot kill!
Doesn't really help if there's a squadron of them but I infer they must be able to monitor your breathing to know when you are drifting off to sleep. Carbon dioxide maybe. Great way to draw them out.
Today I have aches in the joints near were I was bitten. Tiny little things are worse than finding a lion in your bathroom.