Skyrs attempt to insinuate that in real life vs AH there are different effects of engine performance with regard to zoom climbs, is nothing but talking out his excrement orifice.
Has David Wales returned
See Rule #4
Please accept my apology.
geezzzzzzz you guys whenever i read a thread like this makes me laugh, what is a zoom climb? is that when you dive and reach 500 mph then climb back up burn off your e cause you cant turn or get blackout . i tried doing that about 100 times till i learned no e = easy target . in a 1v1 scenario i could see this valuable but in multiple aircraft scenarios sounds deadly. when i get a chance to fly the 51 and dive in at 500 mph i try to stretch my speeds out to get away from the mob before i climb up back to altitude and if i got trouble on my 6 its wep time see ya later till i can make any kind of turn to go back on target
you have a ego the size of Texas.
Texas is big, but not THAT big.HiTech
i guess thats why i always get shot down cause nobody wants to climb up and i get bored waiting circling around running out of fuel . still working on boom and zoom tactics so i will give it time
This is one way to get the thread closed to prevent further beatings.
Stand back – It’s Supernova time.Baiting a religion, obtuse discussions with the owner, upsetting Gen. Slamfire. This is pure heaven.Spit XVI out climbs everything, by the way, on account it’s overmodelled.The Muppets aren't really Muppets, I’m not a crustacean, there’s lots of the Few and the POTW aren't really Pigs, but I’ll wager you lot will be literally damned at some point.
How the hell did I get in this?