For those well versed you should already know. For those who aren't these tips will help.
For years I've struggled with cons that attack from below until about a month ago when I accidentally hit the 6 position while in a fight. Spoke with an experienced 29 guy who has struggled with the same problem. The 5 and 6 position will give you a clear line of sight and fire if an enemy is below your aircraft. It's night and day from just relying on the tailgun. To those who already know this won't help just trying to help those who don't know

You can take the wing off an enemy con from 1.5k on your six whether at the same alt, above or below if you lead the shot correctly and aim it just right. That's what the cannon is for in the tailgun. Burst shots of just a couple of rounds do the trick. Be sure to conserve your ammo though you made need it later!
B29s are extremely accurate bombers. Most people struggle with accuracy at high alt and have to use an extra bomb or 2. To counter this simply drop a notch or 2 of flaps. Give your bird plenty of time to level out. It will jump a few times. Calibrate at 250-270 airspeed(even slower if you can keep it stable)and make sure you are within 1 ft and 1 mph of calibrated speed and alt. Works like a charm. 3-500lb bombs will always do the trick on a hanger. 16-500lb bombs to white flag a town, 21 if you also plan to deack it. If your under attack stay fast and overcompensate. It's alway better to drop the target than miss and waste your ords.
Use 70-80% of your center tank at the beginning of your flight if attacking a city, HQ, or CV. 9/10 times that your hit it's your center fuel tank that gets used for the return trip. The other 10% you'll simply catch fire and haven't figured out a way around that one its just bad luck. This trick alone has saved me hundreds of perks. Just don't forget to switch your tank before it's below 2%. Always scout a runway if you haven't taken off in 29's from it before and always be on the look out for a good runway to take off from. High alt bases 3k or higher just saves you 3000 ft or more climbing and they don't climb fast even with a light load.
Always let your engines warm up before take off. Whenever I spawn to a runway I let them sit for a minute. While waiting i raise the flaps that would provide unneeded drag down the runway. When I throttle up I hold the brake until I have full rpm's. When you let off the brake engage your war emergency power at the same time. Engage 2-3 notches of flaps before you come to the end of the runway and make sure there are no tress in your way. Makes it a lot easier to take off with 75% fuel this way and the only way I can take off with 100% if there isn't a drop right off the base.
Whatever you do don't loose your elevators and ailerons. It is possible to land without them if you still have a rudder and good throttle control but it might be the hardest thing to do in a buff. I've only done it once. It took 30 minutes, 5 attempts, and I still lost the wings but managed to stay on concrete. Make sure to use as much fuel before attempting as possible but not so much you can't give yourself a few tries to get you Line up right.
Flying 29's above 30k in this game is the closest you will come to God Mode. Take the time to get up there. It will get you home!!! If you have the perks to waste and want a fight that's a different story. Most people don't know how to farm perks the right way in this game so the perks are valuable. It's better just to up 17's if you want a fight until you have the experience.
In the rare situation you lost 2 drones and running low on fuel you can land on a CV. You must have your rudder, fully functioning elevators and ailerons. You have to bring it to a stall with full flaps down at the right moment but can be done if your in a tight spot. As mentioned before make sure you use as much fuel as possible. You want to be very light!
Best bomb setup for HQ is the 4 4000lb cookies in my opinion. No spread and excellent splash damage.
Last but not least (for now) as with any plane but more so with this bird if you want to be successful you must invest your time. Be patient and calculated as everything from climbing/descending, turning, and accurate calibrations take time in this bird. If you rush what your doing you will screw up.