I have a regular x52 joystick and throttle-not the x52 pro. back in November 2014 I had to pack away my computer and x52 everything was working fine, but when I hooked everything back up in june 2015, joystick and throttle light up and won't move my tank or airplane. I've tried everything I can think of. I removed the Saitek program, and reinstalled it, restarted it, still nothing--I even redown loaded the game and nothing. I have not called Saitek yet,was hoping to get ideas here--I have 3 x52 joysticks and none of them work--also when I hook the throttle up-only the throttle works-but none of the buttons on the throttle work. I also have 2 throttles same thing. can't really afford a new computer, but if I have to I will.
I'm looking at a ACER BLACK ASPIRE-XC SERIES--AXC-603G-UW15 FROM WALMART-but I don't know if it will work.
thankyou for the help