I can see a lot of work has bee put into this and I applaud you for it. The following is just my own 2 cent's, well 1.33 cents worth.
- my average frame rate was 35 running Win 7 on a I7 3.4ghz Quadcore and 2meg 7700 AMD video card.
-Overall graphics are good but the edges of things like runways are not well defined. Even back in WW2 you could see paved runways very clearly.
- Sounds Suck
-flight profiles are pretty iffy.
-If the game goes commercial as it is now I would not continue to play Aces High.
-At this point in time, the only part of this version I like better then V2 is the graphics.
As an old friend, I am telling you this. You have been here for a hot second. This has been an ongoing
development process. The fact that it IS beta has a lot to say about it going commercial.
Sounds do NOT suck, and I can't believe anyone would say that. HiTech, on his day off, just came in and explained how custom sounds would be allowed but have to be in fmod format in the future (crazy room for improvement FAST).
You have all the flight profiles from AH2, plus some. Instead of creating this maybe if you read some of the recent posts, could have read my walkthrough on setting things back to AH2 fashion, with additional options. Don't look at the default settings and determine 2 years of work was a waste of time. Many of the players have been with the process about that long, and can honestly debunk your comments, not because we don't believe you, but because we have been there ourselves and found the answers that you really would be looking for if you wish to continue to play Aces High at all?
I will start with your very nice computer, I am sorry, but nobody's computer seems to be as great as the salesperson sold it as. 7700 AMD card, means nothing in a vacuum, but 2 GB is a great start. However,
I know that I have a lower end video card and proud of its achievements and the ability to hold steady 59 -60 FPS in beta right now. The problem is that 7700 AMD is NOT saying all that much. I am sure there are other comparisons but from what I have seen here:
http://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php?card1=675&card2=631 my low end video card has topped the bandwidth of that card by a whopping 30 GB/s.
I will concur that it is quite a bit of a challenge to spot landmarks like runways from a distance, and I would go to bat for you and say that I believe that is an area that could impact game play. But maaan...... as a whole you can't come in here and say "junk" and leap out. Take a little heat off that first pitch the next time, we might be able to get to play the entire game.
Your still my bestest bud, and I understand that you are "feeling" a certain way. Funny, I was just reading an old PM conversation that Betty and I were having years ago about a similar post. As I remember it, our CO didn't think you should leave at the time due to game play issues, that have since been amended. He recommended that you voice your opinion where it might count. You must have put some of my chili sauce on that post too, because it was pretty evident you got under a few skins.