The whole point of textures is to allow you to improve the appearance to the degree with which your system can perform the best. Right now a 4096 texture is fairly high end. Eventually we will have 8k, and 16k textures, but right now it is difficult to use 4k textures for most people.
Look at the screenshot topic in the beta forum. I posted three screenshots on the last page (pg.13). The first two are straight up Aces High at 4k. It's hard to tell, because there is not a lot of ground showing in pic 1, and pic 2 is at night. Pic 3 is on a production monitor with a HDR color profile loaded. Every monitor comes with its own color profile included with the driver. This monitor can be configured to use different profiles, and therefore the video editor can capture the video stream with known color accuracy. Also, it allows Premiere to make adjustments for white balance, blacks, contrast, and so on. It is basically a very expensive version of SweetFX, except in hardware. If only that was available for a few hundred dollars!