I've been testing a cloud bank at 3000ft to protect a caldera from level bombing. I've tried different combinations of clouds, numbers of fronts, patterns of front spawn direction, and transparency. I have tested this at 14,000ft over the super large air base which may be a different issue.
Win7 64bit
I5 16G RAM
GTX 760 Drivers 375.70
The problem:
If the transparency is .250-.500 as soon as my plane enters the cloud bank I get FPS fluctuations 25-45 until I either leave the bank or go just above or just below. At .110-.200 only when I run into a thick cloud group just past the origin face and then it passes quickly.
The super large airbase issue took place while looking at a 14,000ft default cloud configuration front as it was spawning. I was in an 88 set looking up at the sun to watch the front form and move past. Clouds forming in front of the sun dropped FPS to 47, all other directions were fine.
On an aside, if you set the cloud bank speed above the default over where GV will drive, your GV will stutter while in motion when the front over you advances. The faster you set the front speed the worse the stutters. 60-80 mph will make a GV drive like having a weak video card but, no FPS drop. Just a stuttering ride.
What settings are being used for the MA arena terrains that have cloud banks? I do not have FPS problems flying in those unless some of the problem is related the specific terrain topography I've created as in the screen capture below of the tank arena mini caldera. I tested with drones disabled with the same result. You can image the complaints pilots will have while fighting over this tank arena. Even setting the cloud banks higher, while making the FPS fine in the arena still has the problem in the clouds.
Or should I go cloud less for this terrain and hope the trees and buildings will protect the GVers from the bomb griefers?