32, and my knowledge about warbirds is almost zero. They have wings and propellers, that's what I know. As Pembquist said, the insignia helped a lot. Also, having learned something about the performance of various planes in the game, an educated guess helped many times. For example, for the Tempest, the huge air intake led me to think about a late war perk plane, the other choices being names of less aggressive planes. The Grumman planes also have a recognizable design. What may surprise fellow AH'ers, I misguessed the P51
Should there be a similar quiz with all the options being from the same manufacturer, I bet the correct answers would be much more sparse. As I said, a Grumman is easy to identify. Telling the right 'cat is another question.
The air surveillance women of WW2 were real experts, they could tell a plane by the silhouette without seeing any insignia or other markings.