I was having the same thing happening to me awhile back. I haven't been in the 5" guns lately, but the yellow grid would go to the far left once I put it in sea mode and then the yellow grid would not move to the right using the "D" key. I use the mouse with the white grid and to fire and the keyboard keys to move the yellow grid. I was a bit perplexed wondering why things weren't working for me as they always had. I may have even posted it in this forum. I remember wondering if I had mistakenly put it in land mode instead of sea mode and had not left clicked on the clipboard map yet. At the moment I am not in the game, but I will try putting the 5" gun in land mode, not left clicking on the clipboard map for a target and then seeing if I can get use the A,D,W and S keys to move the yellow grid. I can't remember if I ever completely figured out what was going on, but this was a thought a bit later. I thought it was a bug also.