The reason he did it was massive groups of 30+ people would avoid fights entirely, go to an undefended rear sector field, slam it down with no resistance, and meanwhile the rest of their team's fields are getting slammed and they chose to avoid any and all confrontation. They would scatter, scramble, and run to the other side of the map if anybody dared run across them.
It was stopping the action. It was making people look very hard to find anybody on that team to fight. Hell you could have 2-3 of those 30+ missions going at a time and when your country roster only showed 100 players that meant there was absolutely no action to be found by the other countries and it was fostering a bad and toxic gameplay style.
So... IMO, and no offense, no. I say no to that request. I hope others do as well. You can still NOE. It's just a little harder now. Plan a mission that can stand up to the enemy. Do it properly.