Author Topic: Virpil T50 Grip first impressions  (Read 4241 times)

Offline nrshida

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Re: Virpil T50 Grip first impressions
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2017, 04:36:05 AM »
I know, I got it in the first round, hah.


You should consider making a CH like custom stick with a hall sensor setup, with the same sort of current CH motion/feel, and then make a replaceable stick with your idea of a more unconventional/future/space stick as a switchable option for that base/stick.  THAT would sell IMO.  There are lots of throttle options to go with such a unit too, the TM TCWS for around 60 bux is fantastic, and the CH is still good/etc too.

I dashed down a prototype concept and a business model sketch, but I'm not terribly interested in volume production and innovative features and the kind of materials I like to use only work if it's like I suggested to Bruv, win the lottery and then we'll see! Am curious to have someone else's feedback sometime. Having said that if I did an article on my custom stick I'd be giving awesome desgins away to one of these manufacturers for free. Doesn't seem like a good exchange.

Happy Friday Pipz!
-=Army of Muppets=-
"Get stuffed Skyyr, you freak" - Zack1234