Author Topic: Mission Orders in Frame-2 CO's hands  (Read 1029 times)


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Mission Orders in Frame-2 CO's hands
« on: September 10, 2001, 03:28:00 PM »
I emailed out the Frame-2 TOD mission maps to Dux and Hblair (CO's for Frame-2) today.  They will be selecting the targets for their repective sides, from a list of targets circled on that map.  In essence, we have given each side a list of valid targets, and given the CO's almost complete control on what to hit and how to hit them.  We're going to try it this way, and see how it goes.  After Frame-2, if you have feedback on whether we've given you too much control or not enough, or other suggestions on how to handle this, by all means post it here.  This change was the direct result of feedback from all of you.  Good hunting!