Author Topic: TAXI Segment Bug: Insta-Death!  (Read 1067 times)

Offline CptTrips

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TAXI Segment Bug: Insta-Death!
« on: October 09, 2018, 09:23:52 PM »
But only on the Waffle terrain I think. Maybe it is just something to do with the WWI airfield map object.

For days I have  :bhead :bhead :bhead :bhead :bhead :bhead :bhead :bhead :bhead :bhead
trying to spawn into an aircraft and taxi out for take off on any of the fields on Waffle.
I have tried every possible permutation and even a host of dirty tricks to convince it to work.  Nothing does.  You die instantly on spawn. Instantly.

1.  I've tried both WWI and WWII aircraft. From the center fields and the outer fields.  Always same failure.
2.  I've tried both WWI and WWII aircraft from runways on NDIsles  and was successful.
3.  But I can certainly spawn at those fields on Waffle in regular offline practice.

So it seems to be some interaction between the Staged Missions and the Waffle terrain.  I've made 15 or so missions attempting it, so it is not just a single corrupt mission.

I have kinda developed a theory, but I may be daft.  Zooming in really close to the spawn point and watch during "run mission" in the editor, it looks like the planes start underground and rise up out of the dirt like zombies before starting to taxi.  For AI that seems to be fine.  I've seen the AI roll through trees on taxi and not be hurt.  But as a player, I think it is spawning me underground and thinking I crashed and kills me.

And no, fiddling with the spawnpoint height and waypoint height doesn't seem to work around it.  I am pretty much convinced I've tried everything.

 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 10:47:12 PM by CptTrips »
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Re: TAXI Segment Bug: Insta-Death!
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2018, 09:24:05 AM »
Another data point...

On one of the Waffle fields I could see the rectagular outline of the field object against the terrain.  So I placed my spawn point completely off the airfield object, out in open terrain and I could spawn there on the ground. 

So it's the WWI field object or how they are placed on the the Waffle terrain.  It is like the field is floated 10 feet over the actual terrain definition.

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Re: TAXI Segment Bug: Insta-Death!
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2018, 11:38:00 PM »
So more data.

I created a simple test terrain.  Completely flat.  All one alt so to avoid any issues.

Put an WWI field and a small airfield side by side.

In normal offline practice, I can spawn WWI Planes or WWII planes from both no problem.

In a Staged Mission, I can I can not spawn in to a mission with a taxi segment with either WWI or WWII planes.   Missions at the small work fine.

So I don't think it is anything specific with the Waffle terrain.  I believe it is something in the way staged mission taxi segment interacts with the WWI airfield object.

Which is somewhat unfortunate as I am trying to build a set of WWI missions.  :confused:


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Re: TAXI Segment Bug: Insta-Death!
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2018, 08:30:44 AM »
So more data.

I created a simple test terrain.  Completely flat.  All one alt so to avoid any issues.

Put an WWI field and a small airfield side by side.

In normal offline practice, I can spawn WWI Planes or WWII planes from both no problem.

In a Staged Mission, I can I can not spawn in to a mission with a taxi segment with either WWI or WWII planes.   Missions at the small work fine.

So I don't think it is anything specific with the Waffle terrain.  I believe it is something in the way staged mission taxi segment interacts with the WWI airfield object.

Which is somewhat unfortunate as I am trying to build a set of WWI missions.  :confused:


If you wish us to help, descriptions don't typically help unless they are specific. You would need to post the mission.


Offline CptTrips

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Re: TAXI Segment Bug: Insta-Death!
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2018, 08:53:43 AM »
If you wish us to help, descriptions don't typically help unless they are specific. You would need to post the mission.


The mission here demonstrates the bug:,394808.0.html
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