I have been practicing level bombing in the training arena and it seems the only thing that can be destroyed are the guns. Thinking that I was just missing the hangars I went to the GV training map and took a T34 with rockets to a GV base. I was able to take down guns with a single HE round but the entire load of 60 rockets and 20 HE rounds did not take down a VH. The hardness setting for the hangar is 2.78 1,000 lb bombs which, I believe is the same as in the melee arena. But it doesn't seem to apply. Is there any way to destroy hangars in the training arena for practice purposes? I thought I would try off line but the only map I see is Bustrs gunnery training map which is very small. A buddy I am practicing with has the crater map offline. There is a change terrain under environment but it is grayed out. Is it possible to change the offline map? If so how. And can hangars be destroyed in the practice arena? it's kind of hard to gauge how I'm doing in my practice if the objects I target are indestructible.