Author Topic: GV dar  (Read 361 times)

Offline JoyFul

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GV dar
« on: March 05, 2019, 03:34:53 AM »
I don't know if anyone ever suggested that, but would it be possible to modify the GV dar to only show in specific circumstances:

1: It's only showing if you can hear the enemy GV, as far as I know it has to be within 3K radius. So it's only showing if enemy GV is engine on.
2: It's showing as a circle (3K radius) around you and/or a friendly when your/his engine is stopped.
3: The circle can also follow your or friendly planes as long as your engine(s) is/are stopped.

In other words, as long as enemy GV is not moving, there is nothing showing on map, except for the usual alarm and flashing airfield.
Two or more friendlies could stop their engine and figure out location of the enemy to be at the intersections of the circles.
Obviously, if there is more than one enemy its a little harder to figure, but anyway.
