I`ve got MapMaker, and worked out how to mess aroudnwith that. I`ve had a little doodle in the AH editor. OK, so far, so good. What I`ve been completely unable to do is get the AH editor to actually load the files from MapMaler so I can actually do anything with them.
After seevral read-throughs of teh docs and a small bit of guesswork, I finally managed to get the editor to "see" the MapMaker files, but for the life of me, I cannot get it to show me them so I can do anything with them! Just keeps coming up with the basic central field on rock with 3 rock spurs off it doodad.
What have I, in extreme newbieness to this kind of thing overlooked, guys?
Also, I`ve been reading this forum for a while, but there rarely seem to be links for terrains to download... -is there any central repository of downloadable terrains (or link to them) one can visit? Or is it just a case of sifting through here every so often?